Business Consulting GmbH


MAD Business Consulting GmbH
Brentanostrasse 3
33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück

Tel: +49 (0) 5242 / 980 85 86
Fax: +49 (0)5242 / 980 86 30

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Owner / Managing Director

Martin Adirsch

Commercial Register

District Court Gütersloh, HRB 9519

VAT identification number

DE 291125124


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No legal notices prior to contact

If any content or technical design of individual pages or parts of this website harm third party rights or statutory provisions or create competition concerns in any form, we ask you, referring to § 8 paragraph 4 UWG, for an adequate and sufficient explanatory without any costs . We guarantee that the right to disputed passages or parts of this website in a reasonable time according to the legal requirements without the intervention of a lawyer from your part. The involvement of a lawyer, the fee for a service provider does not correspond to its real or presumed will and would be a violation of § 13 para 5 UWG, because of the pursuit of irrelevant targets as a dominant theme of initiation - in particular achieving profits is the actual intention and motivating force. This breaches the duty to mitigate damages.